Just as our products are developed, so is our software. This means that our highly optimized secure network operating systems and other softwares, are constantly updated in response to customer needs. We utilize a concept of Long Term Support (LTS) releases, supporting and maintaining the two latest LTS releases and the latest feature release. Below is a short definition of release types and also the currently supported releases.
Release Types

LTS Release
A Long Term Support (LTS) release is a release which is supported and maintained for a minimum of four years after release. LTS releases will be released every two years, making them overlap two years with the previous release. When two LTS releases are active at the same time new features is only added to the newest version.
For example, if the latest release is referred to as 10.22. When releasing the second LTS release, the number 10 is incremented to 11. The new release will be referred to as 11.00.”

Feature Release
A Feature Release is a minor release which might contain exciting new features and improvements on existing functionality, as well as security enhancements. With a feature release, the second number is incremented.
For example, if the current release is referred to as 10.21. When releasing the next feature release, the number 21 is incremented to 22. This new release will then be known as 10.22. Feature releases will only be released to the latest LTS release.

Continuous Improvement Release
Both new features and defect fixes. The new features can be improved or expanded over time.
For example: Release 1 can contain a new feature, release 2 could then expand on the new feature like adding more configuration options, release 3 could then further expand on the new feature further refinding the new feature. While also containing fixes for defects

Maintenance Release
A maintenance release focuses on minor improvements on existing features and defect corrections, and for the latest LTS can contain new functionality. With a maintenance release, the third set of numbers are incremented.
For example, if the current release is referred to as 10.22.00. When release the next maintenance release, the number 00 is incremented to 01. The new release will then be known as 10.22.01. Maintenance releases will be released for the two active LTS releases and to the latest Feature release.
NOTE: All other releases are unsupported and declared End of Life (EOL) and as such not available for download. Please contact your local Clavister Sales Representative for information on available upgrade options.
NOTE: Clavister InControl, OneConnect and InCenter are sold as a service and as such are not covered by the conventional software lifecycle described above. We only support the latest major release with minor and maintenance releases.